I've been a professional artist for eight years and I still have days where I wanna burn everything I've ever made and become a park ranger or something..
I don't think I ever thought to myself "Wow.. I'm cool because I'm an artist." It's always been more like "Wow, I'm lucky to be an artist" and by that.. I mean one that gets paid. Right now I am in a slump.. I've gone from 45 k to 55 k to my last gig before freelance that paid me 75 k a year.. and life was friggin amazing.
Now my freelance work has dried up so I'm trying to be a legitimate individual artist.. making my own stuff, selling it.. and eating ramen every night.. it sucks, it's not cool.. but I don't think I'd trade it for anything.
I think as artists it is partly our challenge to make our art while making money. You don't have to be a starving artist, you can be a paid artist. It's tricky to find a paying forum for all our crazy, experimental ideas, and sometimes we have to settle for selling something that ISN'T crazy or experimental. Actually that's where I make my money. As soon as I get home... that's when the real art begins. But definitely, if I was flat broke and homeless, I would still be "creating". There are very amazing artists who don't much care though. They achieve such beautiful work, to an impressive quality that outshines many who are so deeply passionate about their works.
I'm not sure where I'd draw the line between a real artist and a foney wannabe. Our entire field is a mess of subjectiveness. And to many of us, the art is more than what we manifest within reach of our senses, but a lot of what makes it so special is still within our minds, the part that nobody will ever see. Whether or not someone is a real artist, we may never know for sure about any individual. Perhaps all that matters is that we try.
It's as simple as not eating...because you are creating...not eating because you cannot...will you be an artist when there is no more food? that is the inner question....